Are bogmats used to create a temporary access road to a remote location?
How do I get site vehicles to a remote location or across a field?
The Location:
Farmland in County Durham, England
The Requirement:
A site investigation team required cross-country access for their vans, drilling rigs and other company vehicles so they could reach a remote site in County Durham.
Attempts to drive across the inaccessible, undulated fields would cause severe rutting and expensive damage to the ground, not to mention delays and downtime to the project.
Could GroundGuards deliver a cost-effective solution?
The Solution:
After visiting and assessing the site we recommended MultiTrack as the ideal solution to create a temporary access road.
Lightweight, portable and easy to lay by hand without the need of any expensive lifting equipment, MultiTrack’s high traction mats are designed to follow the contours of the undulating ground.
The Outcome:
The team were delighted with our easy-to-manoeuvre, reusable solution, which was laid quickly and with zero-hassle, enabling instant site access for vehicles across the difficult terrain.